Lenten Reflections
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reflections of lent 2004
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All files were compiled and uploaded to the website www.angelacenter.com site virus free.

This E-Books is designed to run on PC's which run the Microsoft Windows operating system only. The Windows Executable program will work on any machine with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4 or Windows 2000, & XP that also has Internet Explorer 4 or later installed. This means you need Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater.

Please check that your system complies with the following requirements

1. Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT4, Windows Me, Windows 2000, XP
Visit Microsoft at http://www.microsoft.com/ms.htm

2. You have Internet Explorer 4 or 5 or later installed on your system.
Visit Microsoft at http://www.microsoft.com/ms.htm

The Angela Center Press will not be held responsible for any problems that arise in the downloading of this file.

Download and Installation Instructions:
When you click on the download link save the vrabbit1.exe to a designated folder on your hard-disk, write down the folder name - then after the download is complete - then CLICK ON THE FILE LentenReflections2004.exe to open it.