Angela Center

Integrating: spirituality, psychology, social responsibility and the arts

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Building One Earth Community

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Opportunities to explore the ways…

In the spirit of the Earth Charter which calls us to join together to bring forth one sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, and economic justice, Angela Center offers a this series of presentations. Besides being informative, each of these presenters will share from their own experience and challenge each of us to greater responsibility in building one earth community.

Thanks to a grant from the Greenville Foundation, these evenings are being offered at Angela Center free of charge to participants. Please call us at 528-8578 to sign up for any or all evenings.

May 24 (7-9 pm)
Efforts toward a Hatred Free Sonoma County
Presenter: Reverend James Coffey of the Community Baptist Church

May 26 (7-9 pm)
Capacity Building Approach to Diversity
Presenter: Isoke Fomi

May 27 (7-9 pm)

Under NAFTA, California is being sued for $970,000,000 by a private Canadian firm for a law banning the use of a known carcinogen that has leaked into even the most pristine water supplies in Calif. threatening our public health and environment. Once upon a time 'trade' meant lowering tariffs on cars or bananas. These times are no longer. New international free trade agreements aim to radically change everything from our health care, public education and water services, to our local environment and labor laws. The potential expansion of NAFTA into Central and South America posed serious risks for us, but far graver are the impacts on our brothers and sisters in Latin America struggling for the most basic of rights. Join us to protect our democracy, and to support development and democracy throughout the world by fair and responsible trade, not free trade.

Presenter: Jesse Colorado Swanhuyser has worked on environmental and social justice in issues in Central America. In his current position as Coordinator of the California Coalition for Fair Trade and Human Rights, Jesse works with labor, environmental, faith, family farm and women's groups in Calif. to change US trade policy and promote economic justice, human rights, healthy communities, and a sound environment.

June 1 (7-9 pm)
JustFaith: Agents of Social Transformation

JustFaith is a conversion-based process that seeks to integrate personal spirituality and social ministry. The aim of JustFaith is to empower participants to develop a passion and thirst for justice and after the program, to express this passion in concrete acts of social ministry. JustFaith is a tool that has proven across the country to be an effective strategy for training and forming folks to be agents of social transformation.

Presenters: Ann McGee, Michelle Osmond, Toni Bastoni

June 2 (7-9 pm)
Personal Involvement in the Lives of the Poor

The Catholic Worker Movement is grounded in a firm belief in the God-given dignity of every human person. Today over 185 Catholic Worker Communities remain committed to nonviolence, voluntary poverty, prayer, and hospitality for the homeless, exiled, hungry, and forsaken.

Presenter: Joanne Matson of the Catholic Worker

June 9 (7-9 pm)
Local Farming for a Just & Sustainable World

  • Want more control over what you eat, where it comes from, what it contains, who grew it, under what conditions, and at what price to the environment…
  • Want to know what delicious food is available from small organic farms within a few miles of home…
  • Want to more fully understand the connection between support of local farming and a more sustainable, just and peace-filled world…

    Presenters: For many years Noel Schmidt has been an educator with a passion for justice and a love of the earth. He has spearheaded Patchworks, Community Service Learning Connections. Noel will be joined by several local farmers, some of whom operate Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs here in Sonoma County.


June 16th 2004
Retreat Day for Homeless Women in Transition

As part of taking responsibility for our Earth Community, Angela Center is sponsoring a retreat day for homeless women in transition. If you want to join in this project, we could use your help and/or your donations…… We'll need help with transportation, day care, lunch on June 16th.
Give us a call at 528-8578 or drop off any donations at the office.

Suggested donations to be included in a gift bag for women making the retreat:

      • Journals
      • Stationary for letter writing
      • Postage stamps
      • Phone cards (small denominations)
      • Shampoo/Conditioner etc.
      • Toothpaste
      • Deodorant
      • Lotion
      • Perfume
      • Bath soap

Suggestions for donations that will be passed on to the Homeless Women's Center

      • Small shampoos, etc (hotel size)
      • Small deodorant
      • Toothpaste
      • Packets of cocoa
      • Dry cereal
      • Fruit juices
      • Disposable Diaper (size 4 & 5)
      • Kotex


Angela Center
535 Angela Drive, Santa Rosa, CA  95403
Phone: 707 528-8578  Fax: 707 528-0114
Email: TheAngelaCenter
© Murrin Publishing, Angela Center 1999-2004. All Rights Reserved