Angela Center

Integrating: spirituality, psychology, social responsibility and the arts

Sponsors of a variety of classes and programs
for self exploration and self development for both men and women.
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Workshops Classes and Seminars

"An Amazing Journey!
The Universe and Me"

Seven Week Study Group
Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26 & Nov. 2, 9, 16

10 am - Noon

Led by Connie Mahoney
Cost: Donation and $15 price of book

The study guide for this group focuses on the exciting revelations of how everything came to be - from the Stars and Galaxies in the immensity of space to the grasshopper in our garden, how a star in our galaxy of the Milky Way birthed our Solar System, how our own precious Planet Earth came to bring forth LIFE! - you and me and all the creatures that comprise the web of life, and how we humans have a vital role to play in this drama. It is an amazing story, a story that needs to be told over and over and reflected upon until we imbibe it as our cosmology, the story giving new meaning to every aspect of our lives.

Many, many books are being written on the origin of the universe, excellent resources from many points of view. This guide, An Amazing Journey: The Universe and Me, which is produced by Global Education Associates Upper Midwest, will give you a taste of these resources through readings taken from books, periodicals, and the internet - in the format of discussion circles. The goal is to gather with others to question, probe, and share the material - to make it your own. Each session ends with provocative questions for discussion and ideas for action and experience.

Facilitator for this study group is Connie Mahoney, PhD. Connie is the founder of Earth Elders, a long-time spiritual quester and environmental activist. At 57, she received her doctorate in sociology from UCSF; at 60, she participated in a 10 day vision quest. Most recently, she studied with Joanna Macy, Ram Dass, Thomas Berry, Sr. Miriam McGillis and Brian Swimme.


Series of Seven Study Groups
Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26 &
Nov. 2, 9, 16
from 10am - Noon.
Cost: $15 Book plus donation

Angela Center
535 Angela Drive, Santa Rosa, CA  95403
Phone: 707 528-8578  Fax: 707 528-0114
Email: TheAngelaCenter
© Murrin Publishing, Angela Center 1999-2005. All Rights Reserved