Angela Center

Integrating: spirituality, psychology, social responsibility and the arts

Sponsors of a variety of classes and programs
for self exploration and self development for both men and women
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Conference Facility in Santa Rosa, California with accommodations

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Workshops Classes and Seminars

Right Livelihood
Finding the work you love and loving the work you do

Heidi & Jim Noh-Kuhn
Series of 4 Wednesdays:
April 6, 13, 20, 27,
from 7pm to 8:30.
Cost: $60

Right Livelihood is the ability to express our whole self in life and work. Creating a life that honors our deepest values and beliefs by identifying the various aspects of who we are and bringing these into an integrative whole.

This four-week series will explore how to utilize passion and purpose to uncover our true vocation, expanding our understanding of work into a way of life that calls for authentic self-expression.

Each class will highlight principles for creating Right Livelihood:

  • Know Thyself - Identifying and utilizing our gifts, strengths, and limitations
  • Discernment - Quieting the restless mind and listening for inner guidance
  • Self-esteem - Examining the role confidence plays in our decision making
  • Synergy - How to maximize our talents through working with others
  • Passionate commitment versus Workaholism

Join Life Coaches and Ananda Yoga Teachers Heidi and Jim Noh-Kuhn for an inspiring series of self-discovery and practical steps for realizing our highest potential in work and life.


Series of 4 Wednesdays:
April 6, 13, 20, 27,
from 7pm to 8:30.
Cost: $60

Angela Center
535 Angela Drive, Santa Rosa, CA  95403
Phone: 707 528-8578  Fax: 707 528-0114
Email: TheAngelaCenter
© Murrin Publishing, Angela Center 1999-2004. All Rights Reserved